Апрель 20, 2020

Vinfen continues to advocate for vital resources for all our staff during the pandemic. On April 15, the Collaborative, which consists of Vinfen and other major providers across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, sent a letter signed by over 200 organizations to Governor Charlie Baker asking for immediate help for increased access to personal protective equipment (PPE), the quick expansion of mobile COVID-19 testing, and for additional funds to pay our workers what they deserve for the services we are providing to a vulnerable population with increasing incidences of COVID-19.
We encourage you to join these crucial advocacy efforts by contacting your legislators and asking them to support our request to the Governor for help.
Please see steps you can take below:
- Determine what district you live in
- Locate your legislators: (Senate / House)
- Communicate the following via email or phone call: You are a Vinfen employee or supporter, Vinfen provides services to some of the most vulnerable people in the commonwealth in the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Department of Developmental Services (DDS) who are at high risk for contracting COVID-19, request direct support for increased access to PPE, COVID-19 testing, and pay increases, and thank them for their consideration.
Vinfen has also reached out to 22 legislators to ask for their support of our request to the Governor, and our advocacy efforts continue to remain strong!
Thank you for being an advocate for the people we serve, your peers, and for yourselves.
We are brave. We are resilient. We are #VinfenStrong.